I’m going to ask a silly question……. Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution? Well of course you have! I have as well. I suppose a better question (though possibly still silly) is what does that have to do wit UFO sightings?
This year, my own resolution is to deal with the UFOs. The ever dreaded ‘UnFinished Objects’ that have been lurking (ok, ok….. stored) in that cedar chest over there (insert chin jut/thrust motion here).
I have been quilting for many years, so that trunk has gotten quite full. I don’t think there is even room for moths in there…. which can be a good thing!
So, with the flipping of the calendar page I decided I needed a do-able resolution this year, one that would be fun to complete. I have always been a list maker. You know, one of those crazy people that gets a disproportionate amount of satisfaction by crossing things off the to do list.
Anyhow… I figured I should add some action to the thought so I opened the trunk….. honestly I had forgotten about some of the items in there.
Here is the first item in the list, and by list I mean this blog post. In no particular order let me introduce you to my UFOs…….

I will have lots of practice pieces to use and finish up as I learn my Nolting 18 longarm!
Happy Quilting!