Handling Covid-19

We are all doing our part to flatten the curve and minimize the impact of Covid-19.

At Northern Emporium we are also putting our best foot forward and would ask that you use the following guidelines when visiting the shop:

Just inside the door we have a hand sanitizer station for your use. The awesome hand sanitizer we have acquired for complimentary use is made by the Elora Distilling Company and is 80% alcohol. The Elora Distilling company is also owned by Mark and Marty, also known locally as The Uncles!

We are expecting to stock the 500ml bottles soon! If you are interested in purchasing some for home use please speak to our sales staff. 500ml bottles will be available for $19.99+hst

As per the Algoma Public Health Unit, wearing a non-medical mask or face covering is required when inside public places. Please bring your own when you visit. Our staff will also mask-up when you stop in.

If you are in need of a reusable mask or face covering, we have them available at Northern Emporium. A variety of styles and sizes are located at the hand sanitizing station.

#NorthernEmporium #eloradistillingco #staysafe